Monday, February 29, 2016

Book Review: Richter (The First Superhero #0.5) by Logan Rutherford

Richter (The First Superhero #0.5) by Logan Rutherford
Publication Date: February 26th, 2016
Genre: Young Adult Science Fiction
Pages: 104
Format: ebook
Source: Author
Read: February 25th to 29th, 2016
Rating: 4/5


Everybody Patrick Henry was at a party with the night before is dead. 

After waking up in the woods covered in blood and with lapses in his memory, Patrick has no way to explain how he was the only survivor. But when he discovers he’s been imbued with incredible superpowers, he takes it upon himself to find answers. Patrick knows beyond a shadow of a doubt he did not kill all those people. 

That is until the memories of that night begin to come back to him. Now Patrick must make a decision: continue searching for the truth no matter the personal cost, or do whatever is necessary to make sure the truth stays hidden.

RICHTER is a 35,000 word novella that takes place in the world of The First Superhero Series. The events take place prior to The Second Super.

~My Thoughts~

I've been wanting to read Richter's story since the first book! I started this late at night, turning page after page, getting sucked into the story! I literary had to force myself to go to bed! 

In the beginning you can't help but feel bad for Patrick but as time goes on you wonder if something maybe off with him. At first I felt like Patrick was pretty close to Kane, the main character in the first book The Second Super, where he's a bit cocky and too concern about being popular. And that's how he sees himself but everyone else see's him in a different way, I wished we got to see more of that when things came to light but instead it was a bit of a cliffhanger.  

Overall I liked this and can't wait to continue this series! If you enjoyed the rest of the series then you'll definitely want to read this one and see how it all started for Richter!

*Was given an ARC copy from the author in exchange for my honest review*

Sweet Readings Everybody!

{Book Blast + Giveaway} Darkness Eternal (Refuge, Inc. #5) by Leslie Lee Sanders

His efforts exposes shocking secrets that threaten their future...

Publication Date: March 1, 2015
Genre: Post-Apocalyptic/Dystopian, LGBT
Series: Refuge, Inc. #5

As above, so below, except when referring to the underground Refuge Inc. compound.

A century after an asteroid impact and merely fifteen years after a second collision that turned the world into a noxious wasteland, Cadet Connor Nichols and other Refuge facility residents are making the most of their spherical underground utopia they call home.

But when a breach threatens to poison the occupants with toxic air, Connor is forced to make life-altering decisions in an attempt to save lives and his only home. With help from best friend and training partner, Vince Moore, he's reminded that good leadership requires responsibility.

His struggle intensifies as everything he knows about the facility, the leaders, and himself becomes twisted, distorted, and turned into the unimaginable when his efforts exposes shocking secrets that threaten their future.

*A standalone in the Refuge Inc. series


My eyes snapped open to a bright red light, similar to the lights that announced our failure during tactical training in the simulation, but accompanying this crimson glow was the ongoing piercing ring of an alarm. It took a second for it to register, but thanks to the dozen or so drills we've had, it finally clicked that there was an emergency. A fire? Some sort of outbreak? Contamination?
A deliberate chill crept down my spine.
Throwing the sheets aside, I tossed my legs over the edge of the bed. Still a bit disoriented from being awakened during a deep sleep, I sniffed the air for a trace of smoke but instead detected fear in the form of sweat and body odor. I stood and caught the glow of the hour on the wall: zero-three hundred.
A shout came from nearby and blurred figures rushed left and right. Shadows passed the open room door like wisps of dark mist accentuated by the red hue of the emergency lights. A voice called out orders, "Move it, cadets. To your gear. Move, move, move!"  The commands mingled with the distant noise of pained whimpers, panicked cries, and the nearby sounds of rapid and flustered breathing.
I scanned the space for the source of the orders. Then a tug of my arm pulled me from the room.
Not sure, I wondered aloud, "Vince?" Not recognizing much but his slender fingers around my forearm.
"Snap out of it, asshole." Vince pivoted, gripped my shoulders and shook. "We got a job to do."
"What's going on?" The frightened expressions on many of the resident's faces kick started my adrenaline, and suddenly my legs were keeping up with Vince as he hastily made his way down the hall, passed more panicky people and toward our lockers.
Inside the locker room I met some of the other male cadets. They each were in various stages of removing sleeping garments to slip on the tough, stretchy combat gear with their last names stamped on the left breast directly below the red Refuge Inc. emblem. Some were already suited and were quickly securing their helmets, weapons belt, and … armored vests? 

The author of several books of fiction and fiction with spice, Leslie Lee Sanders resides in Queen Creek, Arizona, with her husband, three daughters, and a wild beast she calls her imagination. After writing erotic romance, mostly in the gay and ménage categories, she's recently plunged into writing deep, dark, sci-fi with her LGBT post-apocalyptic and dystopian series, Refuge Inc.

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{Cover Reveal + Giveaway} Rock by JA Huss

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Every day this week JA Huss is giving away FIVE ROCK super swag packs on her Facebook page. Enter HERE➔

 Rock by JA Huss
Publication Date: March 7th, 2016
Genre: Adult Romantic Suspense


Welcome to RK’s rock star life.

I was living the dream, I was full throttle, all in, one hundred percent on top of the world. But it’s a hell of a long fall back down when you finally crash and burn.

Welcome to the delusions, the final act, the coming-to-Jesus moment when there’s nothing left to do but look yourself in the mirror and ask… How did I get like this?

I am RK’s living nightmare. I am RK’s empty soul. I am RK’s unchecked fantasy world that makes no sense to anyone.

I only have one thing left. Just one girl holding my broken pieces together.

And even she might be a lie. 

Rock is a standalone rock-star romantic suspense by the New York Times bestselling master of twist, JA Huss.

~About the Author~

JA Huss is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of more than twenty romances. She likes stories about family, loyalty, and extraordinary characters who struggle with basic human emotions while dealing with bigger than life problems. JA loves writing heroes who make you swoon, heroines who makes you jealous, and the perfect Happily Ever After ending.

You can chat with her on Facebook (, Twitter (@jahuss), and her kick-ass romance blog, New Adult Addiction (

If you're interested in getting your hands on an advanced release copy of her upcoming books, sneak peek teasers, or information on her upcoming personal appearances, you can join her newsletter list ( and get those details delivered right to your inbox.

Website / Facebook / Twitter / New adult Addiction / Goodreads


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Saturday, February 27, 2016

Book Spotlight: Maze of Souls (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper #6) by J.L. Bryan

Maze of Souls (Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper #6) by J.L. Bryan
Publication Date: February 24th, 2016
Genre: Adult Paranormal Mystery


It's October, and down at newly opened Pine Hollow Farm, the ghosts are running wild!. This “genuine” old-time family farm offers a big heap of fun fall activities. You can drink cider fresh from the orchard, enter a pumpkin-carving contest, and explore the five-acre corn maze. At night, if you aren't too scared, join the haunted hayride through the woods, featuring a genuine eighteenth-century cemetery. According to local legend, the ghost of a horseman has ridden the old dirt road through the woods for nearly two centuries, menacing travelers. Hayriders beware! 

Then the real ghosts start to come out, threatening visitors to the farm and the family who live there. Paranormal detective Ellie Jordan travels out to the remote farm to root out the dangerous spirits. Ellie and her assistant Stacey must move fast, because the night is coming when all ghosts will be at full strength and free to roam—the night of Halloween.

~About The Author~

J.L. Bryan

J.L. Bryan studied English literature at the University of Georgia and at Oxford, with a focus on the English Renaissance and the Romantic period. He also studied screenwriting at UCLA. He enjoys remixing elements of paranormal, supernatural, fantasy, horror and science fiction into new kinds of stories.

He is the author of The Paranormals series of horror novels (Jenny PoxTommy Nightmare, and Alexander Death) the Songs of Magic series for younger readers (Fairy Metal ThunderFairy Blues, and far) and other books. He lives in Atlanta with his wife Christina, their son, and some dogs and cats.

Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads

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Friday, February 26, 2016

ARC Book Review: House of Kings (House of Royals #3) by Keary Taylor

House of Kings (House of Royals #3) by Keary Taylor
Publication Date: March 8th, 2016
Genre: Adult Paranormal
Pages: 163
Format: ebook
Source: Author
Read: February 19th to 23rd, 2016
Rating: 5/5


Alivia’s father left her a letter before he died, begging her to stay away from the King and the Royals. But it was a plea made in vain. She never could have run from this life, not when she might be Cyrus’ resurrected queen. The King has arrived in Silent Bend and with him, he brought the end to Alivia’s mortal life. 

Uncontrollable bloodlust and an ever-shifting world rule her nights now. These twisted politics are deadly enough, but now her heart is the newest battleground. There’s no hiding from the one who hates everything she was born to, a spy who embraces everything she’s become, and a King who vies for someone she may soon remember. 

The games have begun. The House of Conrath is growing. Blood will be shed, the bodies will fall. Alliances will be tested and old enemies look like harmless children compared to the new ones rising from the shadows.

~My Thoughts~

From the very first chapter this was an emotional roller coaster ride! Alivia ended her life and became the one thing her father desperately didn't want her to become, but you can't stop destiny. Now she's learning how to cope with her bloodlust and I've got to say I'm glad it was a struggle for her, it gave her even more depth and I had sympathy for her when she ended up doing the one thing she never wanted upon anyone.

I loved watching her go through her up's and downs as she was figuring out who she was as a vampire, a royal, a leader! There was some moments where I didn't agree with her and I was like wtf do you think you're doing, but it was interesting and those moments kept me on my toes! She was playing a dangerous game but I also understand she was getting over a heartbreak so people do crazy things when they're hurt. 

House of Kings was a page turner! The craziness and mind blowing actions from House of Pawns does not slow down but one up the madness in this one! The King constantly showed why he was the ruler and when he showed his dark side I was sitting on the edge of my seat! My God, my jaw dropped a few times when he shed blood and bodies were falling left and right! I couldn't believe it but I loved it! Truly, a beautiful, dark world Keary Taylor has created! The books just keep getting better and better, I cannot wait to get my hands on the fourth book! 

Though I loved this, my only little let down was the Kings games. I had such high expectations from the way the characters feared them and what not but in the end they were a bit meh. The first one was pretty simple, the last two were better as blood shed but I was expecting a bit more, more crazy and truly maddening requests. Maybe it was just me. The games were great for what they were. I understand they reflect the house leaders and they definitely reflected Alivia and the house she's built. Other than that, House of Kings was amazing and that ending, wow do not get on the Kings bad side.

Overall I'm dying to read the next one! Once again, that ending killed me! The twist and turns are never ending! I just can't get enough that I wanted to turn to the first page and reread this the moment I finished it!

*Was given a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review*

Sweet Readings Everybody!

{Cover Reveal + Giveaway} Water's Wrath (Air Awakens #4) by Elise Kova

Water's Wrath (Air Awakens #4) by Elise Kova
Release Date: April 26th 2016


Librarian turned sorcerer. Sorcerer turned hero. Hero turned puppet.
The Solaris Empire found victory in the North and, at the cost of her heart and her innocence, Vhalla Yarl has earned her freedom. But the true fight is only beginning as the secret forces that have been lurking in the shadows, tugging at the strings of Vhalla’s fate, finally come to light. Nowhere is safe, and Vhalla must tread carefully or else she’ll fall into the waiting arms of her greatest foe. Or former lover.

[More Preorder Locations to Come]

Previous books in the series (click on images for Goodreads links):

Cover Reveal Exclusive: My Thoughts on the Covers’ Symbolism So Far

Six months ago, almost to the day, Air Awakens came out. It was my debut novel as an independent author, no publisher and no agent behind me, and I had no idea what would come of it. Now, six months later, I can’t believe I’m revealing the cover on the fourth book of the Air Awakens series.
I say every cover is my favorite, because it gets harder and harder to pick. Each of the covers, in their own way, has been perfect for the book they belong with. My cover artist, Merilliza Chan, is amazing at taking direction and incorporating my suggestions.
Part of why each cover is perfect is because there are little hints, teasers, and call-outs to the story within. Without giving too many spoilers, here’s a couple notes on each of the Air Awakens covers so far!
Air Awakens
First off, notice how Vhalla’s sash is black. In the book, the sash that goes with her apprentice robes is cerulean. This, combined with her robes slowly turning black around the back of the cover is indicative of sorcery making a mark on her. But she hasn’t yet committed, she has yet to don all-black robes. The wind in her hair and sense of movement is a call-out to her affinity. The book in her hands, is representative of three things: her work in the library, the book she exchanges notes in, and the book she brings to the garden. Which, speaking of, the roses around her… well, if you’ve read the book you know what, or who, those are meant to symbolize. But I told Meril I wanted something ominous, something wicked about them. And the thorns going through them were perfect!
Fire Falling
Here is the first cover we see our dark prince on. Fire Falling is named after three incidents in the book… When Aldrik falls to his knees before Vhalla in the Crossroads, the Rites of the FALLen in the Crossroads for another, and the end of the book. Since two of the three aspects of the title of the book related to Aldrik it was only natural that he had to be on the cover. In Fire Falling, Aldrik is beginning to function as a guiding force for Vhalla and, on the cover, he’s looking over his shoulder at her. He can’t openly admit to their association. Vhalla’s eyes are glowing orange and she’s alight, immersed in flame. This was done to symbolize their Bond and Joining. That not only can his flames not harm her, but that he is connected on a mental and magical level. She is also wearing the armor Aldrik crafted for her.
Earth’s End
Now, the symbolism is beginning to get heavy. Vhalla is alone again on the cover, venturing into the wilderness. She’s almost facing the camera, symbolizing how she is growing into her own and becoming a more realized person. In the sky above her is a fire bird. We literally see this formed in the book, but it also is symbolic of a phoenix, rising from its own ashes. I think this works for Vhalla and Aldrik in their own ways through Earth’s End. The cloak she’s wearing is the one she receives from Tim with slash marks. The watch in her hand was gifted to her. And, in her other hand, we see a special sort of magic… Finally, one other note… Carved into a tree that’s on the back of printed books is a symbol – that is actually the symbol of Shaldan!

~About the Author~

Elise Kova has always had a passion for storytelling. She wrote her first novella, a high-fantasy, in sixth grade. Over the years she's honed her love of literature with everything from fantasy to romance, science fiction to mystery, and whatever else catches her eye.

Elise lives in Saint Petersburg, Florida, where she's currently working on the next installment in her debut YA fantasy series: Air Awakens. She enjoys video games, anime, table-top role playing games, and many other forms of "geekdom." She loves talking with fans on Twitter (@EliseKova) and Facebook (/AuthorEliseKova). Visit her website,, for news and extras about her books!

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