Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Book Review: The Rise of Peter Troy Vol. 3 Mayhem by Joseph DiBartolo

The Rise of Peter Troy Vol. 3 Mayhem by Joseph DiBartolo
Publication Date: September 17th, 2015
Genre: Adult
Pages: 38
Format: Kindle
Source: Free on Amazon
Read: June 18th, 2015
Rating: 2/5


The nightmare continues with Peter and the gang coming head on with the inescapable truth behind the outbreak. The mass production of Elixir has thrown the world into a decayed chaos. With the world in shambles, will Peter and his companions have enough fight in them to survive? Or will they join the ranks of the undead?

I don't really have much to say, I read this the same day I finished the previous book. The story continued where the second one ended and I kind of liked how they had a mission on stopping the cause of the infection, but honestly isn't it already too late to stop it when planes are falling out of the sky? 

I honestly don't understand how the characters feel like family when they've only been together for maybe like two days, when that thought crossed the main guys mind I thought it was a bit too dramatic. But then again it's probably cause I wasn't really connected to them or to the story myself. I also don't understand the need of this new female character, which felt like it might be building up for a love triangle? At least from the action they displayed it felt like that, though I could be wrong but I have no need to buy the next one to find out.

Overall another meh read and I have no urge to continue the series. I'm sad I didn't love it as much as everyone else. I feel like they need to be longer and more developed. Maybe if I connected to the main guy better I might have liked it but I doubt it because I also wasn't a big fan of the dialog. It felt cheesy, too cocky, and not really "adult" even though the guy is an adult. Maybe it's cause I'm a girl, who knows, I just wasn't feeling him.  

Sweet Reading Everybody!

Monday, June 27, 2016

{Release Day Blitz + Giveaway} The Everlasting Circle (Everlast #3) by Juliana Haygert

The Everlasting Circle
Juliana Haygert
(Everlast #3)
Publication date: June 27th 2016
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult
The war is approaching and the time to find enough allies for an army is running out. As is Nadine’s life.
Though Micah would love to spend more time trying to find a solution for Nadine’s impeding death, she would rather focus on strategies to win the war. With a new hero, a new god, and new abilities, Nadine starts to believe they might actually have a chance to chase the darkness away from the world.
Until betrayal drags them back to step zero.
Lost and angry, Nadine almost gives up. Almost. Her time on this Earth might be ending, but she has too much to do before she’s ready to die. Against all odds, Nadine will keep fighting to win the war until her very last breath.
Genre: New Adult Fantasy. Warning: strong language, sex scene. This is the 3rd book in the Everlast trilogy. May contain spoilers of the previous books.


Author Bio: 
While Juliana Haygert dreams of being Wonder Woman, Buffy, or a blood elf shadow priest, she settles for the less exciting—but equally gratifying—life of a wife, mother, and author. Thousands of miles away from her former home in Brazil, she now resides in North Carolina and spends her days writing about kick-ass heroines and the heroes who drive them crazy. 



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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Book Review: The Rise of Peter Troy Vol.2 The Black Road by Joseph DiBartolo

The Rise of Peter Troy Vol.2 The Black Road by Joseph DiBartolo
Publication Date: March 11th, 2015
Genre: Adult 
Pages: 38
Format: Kindle
Source: Free on Amazon
Read: June 18th, 2016
Rating: 2/5


The journey continues with Peter Troy and his company as they fight for answers as to what caused the outbreak as well as reaching their families scattered all over the country. The action is intense, and the gore is more, with Peter slaying his way to the twisted and shocking truth behind the decayed ones. Who will survive? Who will become a decayed one? And who will meet Peter's trusty meat cleaver? Don't miss the second installment of this short story series, The Rise of Peter Troy: The Black Road

I'm honestly happy to say that I got the first three books for free on Amazon because I wouldn't have bought them otherwise. The first book was so-so for me and this one really didn't get any better. It's truly a simple, quick read but I'm just not drawn into it. The dialog feels cheesy to me and I just can't connect to the main guy, like at all. As I'm reading some things make me roll my eyes. 

Like the romance between Peter and Lena, I just don't understand why it's in the story in the first place. It's absolutely unnecessary and it feels like it's forced upon the characters, like there wasn't much heart written into it. I say that because it doesn't really develop for the readers, it just happens

And when the little hint of cause to the zombie apocalypse came into play, let's just say it wasn't hard to connect the dots. It was so obvious!

Overall, this was a meh read for me. I'll probably read the next one cause it's a short story series so it won't take me long to read but I highly doubt I'll buy the fourth book.


Sweet Readings Everybody!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

ARC Book Review: House of Judges (House of Royals #4) by Keary Taylor

House of Judges (House of Royals #4) by Keary Taylor
Publication Date: June 28th, 2016
Genre: Adult Paranormal
Pages: 181
Format: Kindle
Source: Author
Read: June 13th to 17th, 2016
Rating: 5/5


Alivia once led a House full of immortal vampires, but now everything has been stripped away. Her friends have turned their backs on her, convinced she betrayed them and their Born kind. Taken prisoner to the King’s Court, she awaits her trial. But the sins of her father threaten to blacken her chances of clearing her name.

Alivia toyed with King Cyrus’ heart—and now, he’s going to make her pay. Perhaps with her life.

Hidden in the belly of the castle, truths will come to light, and the surface of the King’s brutality and the horrors of the castle have barely been scratched.

Prepare to be judged…

This book was truly a brilliant build up for the last and final book! Throughout I was sitting on the edge of my seat in anticipation and while watching how truly cruel the king is! I'm really hoping someone will knock him down in the next book, it isn't hard to see why he's king as he's truly demented! My heart was breaking for Alivia when he was punishing her, it was all absolutely evil what he did to her! But then again, I shouldn't have expected anything else haha.

There were so many twist and turns that my jaw dropped many times! I honestly didn't know where this story was going so I found myself shocked after shocked, I just couldn't put the book down! It wasn't hard to get sucked into this story! I'm not ready for this series to end, I'm really going to miss this world! 

Since I only have this series in Kindle form you know I'll be buying the paperbacks so I can revisit this world and for them to look pretty on my bookshelves! Ugh, I just love this series and I'm dying for the next one! Especially as it left off on a killer cliffhanger! We're finally starting to get answers and it ends there, you're killing me Mrs. Taylor but in a good way! 

Overall if you loved the first three books of this series then you're going to love this one! If you haven't started this amazeballs series and you love vampires then why haven't you?! You should be picking it up right now! This series is absolutely addicting, so get comfortable and I can't wait to get my hands on the next one! 

*Was given a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review*

Sweet Readings Everybody!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Book Review: Unveiled (Realms of Darkness #1) by R.S. Broadhead

Unveiled (Realms of Darkness #1) by R.S. Broadhead
Publication Date: May 9th, 2014
Genre: New Adult Paranormal
Pages: 245
Format: Paperback
Source: Author
Read: June 5th to 8th, 2016
Rating: 2/5


Twenty-one-year-old Reese Salt and her best friends like to party, flirt with boys, and stare at her super hot mysterious neighbor who keeps trying to tell her something in cryptic messages. She doesn't believe him, wanting to continue living her carefree life. But then things get weird when they're at a party and someone--or something--laces the party favors. Suddenly Reese is surrounded by hot guys in tactical gear, looking for one of her boyfriend's childhood friends, who they say isn't human.

After that night, everything changes. The safe world Reese thought she lived in isn't so safe anymore. To take her mind off it, and to apologize for being a jealous jerk, her boyfriend Wheeler takes her on what's supposed to be a romantic getaway--until his jealous tendencies turn violent and he smashes her face, knocking her out. As if things couldn't get any worse, they wake up under attack by what Reese can only describe as monsters. Only caring about his own survival, Wheeler smashes her leg, leaving her for dead. Big mistake. Something inside her awakens, and her body goes on autopilot, literally. She finds a helicopter, and instinct takes over, flying her battered body home, and leaving Wheeler to die at the mouths of the monsters.

Reese and her friends then seek out the help of her hot neighbor, who is the leader of a training program that fights the things that go bump in the night. Reese goes to the facility in search of answers, but she ends up finding so much more. Reese learns about weapons, fighting, monsters, and most of all, herself. Then there's Oliver Steele, her trainer who becomes much more. Reese is scared to open up, afraid she'll only get hurt again.

Can Reese save the world, learn to trust her heart, and find the strength to learn about who she really is? She better. Her life depends on it.

Okay, so the first time I picked this up was a couple of months ago but as I was reading I just couldn't get into it and the story just wasn't sitting right with me, it had some problems (in my liking how it was going, not with editing). So I had to put it down and move on. But then I decided to pick it back up and give it another try.

This time I read it a bit slower, thinking maybe that would help me get into it better. It didn't and those problems I had before were still there. At first I thought it was going well, flowing well with the world building. Had to take some time in getting connected to the characters but I saw potential so I kept reading. But when I got to the moment where the main gal's neighbor tells her and her friends they are special and that he want's to train them, once again I was blown away (not in a good way) with how they reacted to this. They jumped the gun, without asking any questions or asking what the hell is going on (the first thing I would ask is if the world was ending, especially after the second incident Reese had with these creatures), instead they were all into it and couldn't wait to start training. Um, what? Is your town so boring that you'll just say yes to anything without asking questions? 

But even though I hated how they reacted, I trudged through still thinking it had potential. It didn't and things for me went down hill from there. If you're thinking they have special powers like wielding fire or water, or able to read minds or have physic abilities then you're going to be surely disappointed. The powers are things you'd be trained for within special government agencies, special ops kind of things. Things to me that don't really qualify as "special", especially if these things can be taught to anyone.

Then this story did a 360 and so much boy drama became the center of attention, caused for me to forget about pretty much everything that happened in the beginning and where this story was leading to at the end. So much boy drama and it just didn't feel right. This story didn't flow well for me and wasn't balanced with the paranormal and romance. They just didn't connect well and so I wasn't able to connect with the story.

Another scene that helped make it harder to get into or take this story serious was when a couple of "special ops" guys were sent to look after the girls when they went to the party, decided to give them a strip tease, on stage in front of everyone and then get drunk afterwards. Okay, and I'm supposed to take these guys serious after that? I don't mind them having fun but wrong time when they're working on the job. 

Overall I just couldn't connect to the story, it just felt wrong and the story didn't flow for me and the boy drama. Cue roll eyeing, I don't know how a girl can sleep with a guy and think she's falling in love with him and then the next moment, cuddled with that said guy as he's sleeping, starts thinking about her ex and thinking maybe one day they'll get back together. Um, no. Just, no. And throughout the book I felt like things didn't really get explained so when new speculation came to light in the ending it piqued my interest so since the author was kind enough to send me the second book with this one, then I'll probably give it a try and see if it gets any better.

Also, forgot to mention, in the beginning every character we met pretty much started with the letter "S" so it didn't make things easy to remember who was who.  Does anyone else hate when there's multiple characters with the same letter names? There was like 5 or 6 characters in the beginning with the same letter names and boy was that annoying, it's a pet peeve of mine....

*Was given a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review*


Sweet Readings Everybody!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Mini Book Review: The Decayed Ones (The Rise of Peter Troy #1) by Joseph DiBartolo

The Decayed Ones (The Rise of Peter Troy #1) by Joseph DiBartolo 
Publication Date: February 21st, 2014
Genre: Adult, Zombies
Pages: 37
Format: Kindle
Source: Bought
Read: June 4th, 2016
Rating: 3/5


Life has always been an uphill battle for Peter Troy. His obsession for zombie films was the only thing that kept him company when times got tough. After losing his job as a butcher at the local market and getting dumped by his girlfriend, all in the same day, Peter tried to close himself off from the world. His efforts were thwarted when his obsession actually became a reality. Follow Peter on his journey to redemption as he struggles with his mixed feelings of excitement and regret. Will he be able to adapt and excel in a world now being overrun by the living dead? Or will he fail to succeed as he did when the world was normal?

I don't really have much to say about this. It's a quick read, you're thrown into the action in the very beginning. I'm not sure how I feel about the main character right now, he's very cocky and excited that there's a zombie apocalypse. Though I know if it ever happened a whole bunch of people would be excited too but still, I don't know, maybe it's cause he's painted as a bum to me that I wasn't able to connect to him. The zombie action was fun but since it all moved so fast, this story just didn't feel right to me. 

Overall, it was a so-so read for me but I do have the second book in the series (which I got for free on Amazon a while back) so I'll be picking it up and hopefully I'll get more into the story.

Sweet Readings Everybody!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Book Review: The Tiny Curse (Werewolf High #2) by Anita Oh

The Tiny Curse (Werewolf High #2) by Anita Oh
Publication Date: March 15th, 2016
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal
Pages: 141
Format: Kindle
Source: Bought
Read: June 2nd to June 4th, 2016
Rating: 4/5


Things get more complicated for Lucy when she’s expected to keep the secret that Sam and the others are werewolves. Other students are jealous of her getting closer to the most elite kids in the class and more and more she’s the victim of bullying, until she loses even the few friends she’s made. 
It’s almost a relief when she’s hit by a curse that shrinks her to only two inches tall – she can’t be bullied if she can’t be found! But being tiny comes with its own problems and she’s soon forced to turn to Sam and the other werewolves for help. She can’t live in Tennyson Wilde’s sock drawer forever, she needs to find the culprit and break the curse!

Little fun fact before I get into my review, my husband and I love having nerf wars. So one time we were playing I made him a bet and if I won I got to buy this, guess who won! Haha, I've been dying to pick this book up ever since then!

I've been sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for this book to get published! I really, really loved the first one! And the moment I finished this one I pre-ordered the next book as fast as I could, this series is just so much fun! 

It took me a couple of chapters to get into The Tiny Curse only cause it's been a few months since I've read the first book. But after a while it wasn't long before I got sucked back into this world! Ms. Oh's writing is absolutely addicting! I just couldn't get enough, it was so hard to put down this book! All I wanted to do was read it and forget the world around me! 

Lucy once again gets sucked into this magical world and she has no idea why. Tennyson once again thinks it's her doing, as if she would shrink herself on purpose haha. But as they get deeper he realizes how silly of an idea that was. I think in this one he's finally warming up to her as she's being forced in their world from whoever keeps putting curses on her. I wished we got closer to whoever is wielding the magic but sadly we didn't which is one of the reasons why I couldn't rate this a five star like the previous book.

We didn't get a lot of answers in this one, more speculation and ideas of why this person is causing so many magical problems. Which I loved and thought were great twists, but hopefully when we get the answers they'll be satisfying. 

Overall this was another fun read and I'm dying for the next one! I believe this is a trilogy so it'll be sad when I have to say goodbye to the characters! This series is one I would love to reread one day!  

Sweet Readings Everybody!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Book Review: I Do Believe in Faeries (The Cotton Candy Quintet #3) by Erin Hayes

I Do Believe in Faeries (The Cotton Candy Quintet #3) by Erin Hayes
Publication Date: June 9th, 2016
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Pages: 125
Format: Kindle
Source: The Hype PR
Read: June 10th to 11th, 2016
Rating: 5/5


Abby knew that life wasn’t fair. 
That’s why she turned to the Fair Ones. 

Abby thinks she’s a disappointment. Even though she’s grown up in a family of powerful witches, she can’t use magick, she can’t connect to nature, she can’t do anything special – she’s just a normal human. 

And normal isn’t good enough for her. 

When faeries offer to grant her one wish, she doesn’t hesitate to wish for magick of her own. But wishes require a sacrifice. And that sacrifice is her friend Alaina's unborn baby. 

Magickal or not, Abby has to make things right. She ventures into Tír na nÓg to rescue the infant before it’s too late. There's only one problem. Once she’s there, she may never be able to leave. 

** I Do Believe in Faeries is a tie-in with How to be a Mermaid and I'd Rather be a Witch. It uses some of the same characters and can be read as a standalone or as a complement to it. **

So I just finished I Do Believe in Faeries and I'm so sad that it ended, I didn't want it to! I just wanted to be forever lost in between the pages.....well, at least until October came when I have to go pick up hubby from coming home from his deployment that is haha.

This is by far my favorite story from Mrs. Hayes and honestly I didn't think anything could top her story, I'd Rather Be a Witch but that is exactly what I Do Believe in Faeries did! This was such a magical tale that it was easy to get sucked into the world, for reality to melt away! I absolutely loved how easy this story flowed, I breezed right through it even though I desperately wanted to savor every single word!

I absolutely loved Abby and her journey, which swept me off my feet! Not once did this story drag and I loved all the different creatures around every corner, I loved the faerie realm Tír na nÓg! This was truly a magical read and I just couldn't get enough of it! Whenever I would have to set it down, it wouldn't leave my mind and I was excited to get back to it as soon as possible! And Robin, sigh, I was grinning ear to ear at the ending! I so desperately want another story with them two, to see how things are going, I'm sad to say goodbye to them!

Overall this is truly a swoon worthy read and not just for the romance, but for the beautifully written world Mrs. Hayes created for us! Truly a fantastic story that I wish I didn't have to leave! Sigh, I'll definitely have a book hangover with this one for sure, I won't know what to do with myself for a while! I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next book in this amazing standalone series of hers!

*Was given a copy from the author in exchange for my honest review*

Sweet Readings Everybody!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

{Release Day Blitz} I Do Believe In Faeries by Erin Hayes

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Title: I Do Believe In Faeries
Series: The Cotton Candy Quintet #3
Author: Erin Hayes
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: June 9



Abby knew that life wasn’t fair.
That’s why she turned to the Fair Ones.
Abby thinks she’s a disappointment. Even though she’s grown up in a family of powerful witches, she can’t use magick, she can’t connect to nature, she can’t do anything special – she’s just a normal human.
And normal isn’t good enough for her.
When a group of faeries offer her one wish, she doesn’t hesitate to wish for magick of her own. But wishes require a sacrifice. And that sacrifice is her friend Alaina's unborn baby.
Magickal or not, Abby has to make things right. She ventures into Tír na nÓg to rescue the infant before it’s too late. There's only one problem. Once she’s there, she may never be able to leave.


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The Series

Book #1
ONLY $.99!!!

Book #2
ONLY $.99!!!


About the Author


Sci-fi junkie, video game nerd, and wannabe manga artist Erin Hayes writes a lot of things. Sometimes she writes books, like the fantasy mystery novel Death is but a Dream, the sci-fi middle grade book Jacob Smith is Incredibly Average, and the Her Wolf paranormal series.
She works as an advertising copywriter during the day, and she moonlights as an author. She has lived in New Zealand, Texas, and now in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband, cat, and a growing collection of geek paraphernalia.
You can reach her at and she’ll be happy to chat. Especially if you want to debate Star Wars.

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