Tuesday, September 29, 2015

{Release Day Blitz} #Jerk by Kat T. Masen


#Jerk by Kat T. Masen
Publication Date: September 29th, 2015
Genre: Contemporary Romance


He was that boy in the playground. The one that pulled your pigtails. The one that lifted your dress in front of the entire school. Now he's that guy in the office. The one that steals your lunch from the fridge. The one that gets away with everything. I'm sure you know him. Everyone knows that guy. He's a #JERK.

Presley Malone knew her relationship with her fiancé, Jason, had run its course. The second that ring came off her finger, she didn't expect to be the pawn in an immature game played by the office jerk.
His name is Haden Cooper, and he is six years younger than her. Immature and irresponsible, getting drunk and stoned every weekend like he never left college. He rode a motorcycle, carrying a different girl each week. He was everything a jerk should be—insensitive, unreliable, and most importantly, a heartbreaker.

Haden enjoyed playing games, and when it came to Presley Malone, it was all too easy. Miss Know-it-all with her over-the-top OCD was soon going to get a taste of what it was like to live on the edge.
But what starts off as an innocent prank soon becomes an unhealthy obsession.

He is wrong for her and she is wrong for him. It's a battle of the sexes ready to go to war. But in this battle there are no winners, and it takes only one fateful night and six tequilas for their lives to take an unexpected turn that changes them both forever.

#Jerk Teaser

Make sure to check out the Release Party on September 29th starting at 12PM CST!!!!

AMAZON * B&N * KOBO * iBooks

~About The Author~


Born and bred in Sydney Australia, Kat T. Masen is a mother to three crazy boys and wife to one sane husband. Growing up in a generation where social media and fancy gadgets didn't exist, she enjoyed reading from an early age and found herself immersed in these stories. After meeting friends on twitter who loved to read as much as she did, her passion to write began and the friendships continued on despite the distance. "I'm known to be crazy and humorous. Show me the most random picture of a dog in a wig and I'll be laughing for days."

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{Cover Reveal} The Infected (PODs #2) by Michelle K. Pickett

The Infected (PODs #2) by Michelle K. Pickett
Release Date: October 12th 2015

Summary from Goodreads:

From the author of the award winning Unspeakable, and the best selling PODs, comes the highly anticipated sequel to PODs. A world where death stalks the unsuspecting, and this time even the PODs might not save them. 

A virus nearly wiped out humankind...

Months have passed since a human infection has been reported. Survivors of the deadly pandemic have finally started to build a life in a world left devastated by plague. 

Ironically, for nineteen-year-old Eva, life made more sense when she battled the deadly Infected than it does in the serenity of her new home in Rosewood. Separated from fiancé and former POD-mate, David, after an impossible ultimatum, Eva finds her life a little lonely and a lot confusing. 

But as troubled as Eva’s life is, it's about to take a turn for the worse as untold dangers watch and wait for the right moment to attack…

The virus refuses to die quietly.

Book One
(click on image for link)

About the Author

I can’t write without a hoodie. Yeah, I live it Texas. We all have our quirks.

I majored in accounting in college. I was required to declare a major, but I had no clue what I wanted to do, so I picked accounting because it was the first thing listed in the booklet the counselor gave me. Surprisingly, I graduated with a 4.0 GPA. Go figure.

Forget coffee. Hand over the Red Bull or Monster Khaos and no one gets hurt. Seriously, just set it down and step away. I will turn into a normal human after I guzzle my can of caffeine.

I hate to cook, but love to watch cooking shows on television.

I paint my nails weird colors just to see my husband roll his eyes and make my 9 year-old twin girls giggle. Oh, and mortify my 13 year-old son.

I’m a hopeful romantic and love swoon-worthy endings that keep the butterflies going for days, but I don’t believe a HEA always ends with the boy getting the girl. Sometimes a HEA is an ending we don’t see coming, but is still best for the characters.

I write across genres in the young adult and new adult age groups while eating way too many peanut butter M&Ms (but we’ll keep that second part just between us).

I was born and raised in Flint, Michigan, but now live in a suburb of Houston, TX with my very supportive family, a 125lb rescue “puppy” and a 12lb attack cat, also a rescue animal.

And last, (but certainly not least), I love my family with everything in me. Everything I am, is theirs. There are no words in any language known to man to describe my love for them. They are my center.

I’d love to hear from you. So drop me an email! Let’s chat. You tell me what you like in books, what you’d like to see happen in the writing community, what type of books you like to see more of…less of—I want to hear it all! So tell me, please. Because the one thing I wish I could put on my list, but I still haven’t figured out how to do, is mind-reading. But don’t tell my kids. I still have them fooled. :)

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Monday, September 28, 2015

{Book Blitz + Giveaway} Hookah (Insanity #4) by Cameron Jace

Hookah (Insanity #4) by Cameron Jace
Publication Date: September 28th, 2015
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Fairy Tale


A Plague Scarier than Death
Alice and the Pillar have to stop a Wonderland Monster who’d lashed out an incurable disease onto the world. Their biggest challenge is that the world loves this monster so much.

A Cure Larger than Life
The only way to save the world is to travel to the other side of the globe, and peek into one of Lewis Carroll and the Pillar’s darker pasts.

A Truth Madder Than Fiction
This time, the price of saving the world is too high. Alice will have to live with the consequences of the maddest logic of the world surrounding her.

Will Alice find who the Pillar really is? What he wants? Is she brave enough to handle the one Wonderland Monster she’d thought was a good friends? And even so, is the world ready the truth?

Amazon / Barnes


"Have you ever jumped out of a plane in a parachute, down to meet up with people who’d take selfies of your blood on their faces for breakfast?
I am doing it right now. And guess what, it’s nighttime, so not only am I free-falling, but I am also doing it in the dark. That’s what I call a bonus.
Throwing away the Pillar’s goggles, I hear the plane explode in midair above me.
Oh my god, this is for real!
“I’ve always wanted to blow up my employees,” the Pillar shouts all the way down. I am not sure how I can hear him. “But you’ll be fine. Just pull the red lever when I tell you to.”
In spite of all the madness, I feel unexpectedly fine up here in the air. Fine is an understatement. I feel euphoric. I want to feel like this every day. It’s ridiculous how much I am enjoying this, although I may get face-palmed by the earth in a few seconds.
Mary Ann, also known as Alice Wonder, 19 years old, dead and gone. I imagine the scripture on my grave says. But who cares? She was mad anyways.
Suddenly I realize that the madness hasn’t started yet. Not at all.
Down below, I can see something glittering. The vast land where we’re landing is nothing but an endless field of ridiculously over-sized mushrooms.
Big mushrooms growing everywhere, whitening up the black of the night.

~Sequel To~

~About The Author~

Cameron Jace

Cameron Jace is the bestselling author of the Grimm Diaries and Insanity series. A graduate of the college of Architecture, collector of out-of-print books, he is obsessed with the origins of folk tales and the mysterious storytellers who spread them. Three of his books made Amazon's Top 100 Customer Favorites in Kindle 2013 & Amazon's Top 100 kindle list. Cameron lives in California with his girlfriend. When he isn't writing or collecting books, he is playing music.

Sign up for his mailing list here: http://bit.ly/1sxp3p1

Website / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads


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Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon: week two update & that's a wrap!

The Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon begins Monday, September 14th and ends Sunday, September 27th, with a wrap-up (including giveaway winners) on September 28th. You do not have to be a blogger to sign up. Just use your Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or Tumblr, or leave a comment stating that you'll just post updates on my blog commenting on my updates instead (just pick a place you're going to post updates on). For the linky, you need to leave a link (so if you're going to post on my blog, then leave the link to my blog, but your email so that I have a way to reach you). 

What can you read as part of the read-a-thon? Anything. It can be an audiobook, ebook, physical book, published, ARC, etc. There are no restrictions. The idea is to lower our TBR piles and any way you want to do that is just fine by me. - See more at: http://www.wishfulendings.com/2015/07/tackle-your-tbr-read-thon-sign-up.html#sthash.o7GcmM4r.dpuf

September 21st:

Currently Reading: Damned If I Do

Pages Read: IDK

Completed Books: 0

September 22nd:

Currently Reading: Damned If I Do

Pages Read: IDK

Completed Books: 1

September 23rd:

Currently Reading: Ghouls just Haunt to have Fun

Pages Read: 59

Completed Books: 0

September 24th:

Currently Reading: Nothing

Pages Read: None

Completed Books: 0

September 25th:

Currently Reading: Ghouls just Haunt to have Fun

Pages Read: 22

Completed Books: 0

September 26th:

Currently Reading: Here They Lie

Pages Read: 20%

Completed Books: 0

September 27th:

Currently Reading: Ghouls just Haunt to have Fun

Pages Read: 50

Completed Books: 0

So, sadly I hit a small reading slump but Ghouls just Haunt to have Fun is pulling me out of it! It's looking to being a five star book! It's the third book in Victoria Laurie's A Ghost Hunter Mystery series and I love being back in this world!  

What I accomplished during the read-a-thon

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{Cover Reveal} Chaser (Bad Habits #2) by Staci Hart


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Chaser (Bad Habits #2) by Staci Hart
Publication Date: October 15th, 2015
Designer: Quirky Bird


Everyone knows you should never say never.

Cooper Moore never saw Maggie Williams coming. She was just his best friend’s little sister, the curly-haired, freckle-faced girl from Mississippi who was absolutely off limits. And he never thought about her any other way — not until he saw her that night, broken and brave. From that moment on, he knew he’d do whatever it took to protect her, even if it meant he had to stay away.

Maggie never expected to find her fiancé banging her maid of honor an hour before she was set to walk down the aisle, but life’s funny that way. The only option to save her sanity is to get the hell out of Jackson and move to New York where her brother lives. The only downside: Cooper is there too. And she just doesn’t know if she can stay away from him — the filthy rich, dead sexy playboy who’s allergic to commitment.

The second Maggie sees him again, she realizes he’ll be impossible to resist. Luckily, commitment is the last thing on her mind, and Cooper is the perfect escape. As long as she can keep her heart in check, everything will be just fine. Because she can never have feelings for him. Or at least that’s what she’ll keep telling herself.

Chaser is a standalone romantic comedy and book 2 of the Bad Habits series.

Chaser Teaser

~Sequel To~


~About The Author~

Staci has been a lot of things up to this point in her life -- a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can't forget that. She's also been a mom; she has three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She's been a wife; even though she's certainly not the cleanest, or the best cook. She's also super, duper fun at a party, especially if she's been drinking whiskey. Her favorite word starts with f and ends with k.
From roots in Houston, to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north, in Denver. They are new enough that snow is still magical. When she's not writing, she's sleeping, gaming, or designing graphics.

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Books for Nothing (46) Bound by Duty & Heart You

Books for Nothing is where I’ll be updating you guys on free Kindle reads.
download tons of Freebies weekly and sometimes I’m too lazy to let you guys know about the tons of books I get on I am a Book Hoarder, so I decided to create this! That way you guys can enjoy the awesomeness too as who doesn’t love the word free!
*Note: If some aren't free they became non-free after I scheduled this post

Bound by Duty (Bound #1) by Stormy Smith
Publication Date: July 24th, 2014
Genre: Young Adult Urban Fantasy


Amelia grew up in a world of half-truths. She knows she's an Elder but has no idea what that means. Her father reminds her daily that she must maintain control but he refuses to explain why. Even worse, she's betrothed to the prince of the Immortals and she doesn't even know his name. 

Finally breaking free to live a few normal years at a community college, the last thing Amelia expects is to find her best friend in a cheeky Southern girl and to fall for a self-assured human who sees her for who she is and not what she'll be.

As she learns more about herself, Amelia realizes the line between love and duty is a thin one. As her power continues to increase exponentially and her questions are slowly answered, Amelia must make the ultimate choice. The question is, will her head or her heart win the battle?

Amazon / Kobo / Barnes / iBooks 

Heart You (Roommate Romance) by Rene Folsom
Publication Date: March 15th, 2013
Genre: Adult Erotic Romance


** Heart You is an erotic romance short story for ADULTS ONLY! This novelette is roughly 7200 words and contains a hot sexual triad between two female roommates and their Valentine's Day boy toy. **

Have you ever wanted something you know you shouldn't? That forbidden fruit. A temptation that will surely lead you down the path of illicit indulgence, and ultimately, pleasure beyond your wildest imaginations.

That was the daily torture Samantha put herself through when she thought of her roommate, Kara. Sitting alone on Valentine's Day, Sam found comfort in sharing her innermost secrets with her trusty journal while lusting over the brown-eyed goddess. At least until Kara comes home with a sizzling hot man and a night full of naughty games that would even make cupid blush.


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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Release Day Blast & Blog Tour Sign Ups: Twice Upon A Time by Hope Irving

Twice Upon A Time by Hope Irving
Publication Date: October 31st, 2015
Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance

Summary from Goodreads:

Once upon a time, there was the wandering soul of Morgann, an 8th century Irish calligrapher-monk longing to be reunited with his soul mate. Deirdre was his forbidden love, a witch with whom he wrote a coveted book.

Under her spell, the souls of the star-crossed lovers travel from bodies to bodies until they find each other. Eventually.
That became his quest: unearth her new body and trigger her memory, for she is clueless about whom she once was. Unfortunately their story didn't get a chance to become a fairy tale yet it still turned out as a famous urban legend referred as The Black Angel Book. 

Twice upon a time, not so long ago, there was me, rational and devastated Rose. I needed to get a grip, said my French mum after my year of numbness due to a painful break-up that led me to cut my wrist daily, to feel something, anything.

So she sent me off to the free-spirited village of Provincetown, Massachusetts, to spend the summer with my American relatives. And just like that, I wasn’t myself any longer. Because someone pulled me out of the darkness and bewitched me, somehow.

I couldn’t wait to jump his bones… but why was he holding back?
He couldn’t wait to welcome me into his world… but was I ready to question my convictions and acknowledge that my self-inflicted cuts were now healing in record time?

How could I have imagined he was longing for his own unorthodox fairytale to come true? Frantically.

~About the Author~

Hope IrvingHope Irving is the proud mother of a lovely and witty young lady, and the lucky wife of a loving and supportive husband. She's a debut indie author who lived in Paris, France, most of her life and also in the US, where she graduated with a master degree.

She loves Nutella and Camembert cheese (not together), carrot cake and cinnamon Altoids. 

Her favorite fictional characters are Eric Northman (Sookie Stackhouse series, Charlaine Harris) and Sean Bateman (The Rules of Attraction, Bret Easton Ellis). 
More about Twice Upon A Time, her NA paranormal romance:
Excerpt #1: https://goo.gl/UGlB9J
Teaser #1: https://goo.gl/MryvZp 

The Cover Reveal

I'm organizing a cover reveal for Twice Upon A Time, a New Adult Paranormal Romance. This reveal is scheduled for Thursday, October 1st, 2015.  

~The Blast~

I'm organizing a Release Day Blast for Twice Upon A Time, an New Adult Paranormal Romance novel. The Blast will be running for only one day, October 31st, 2015. There will be excerpts and teasers.

~The Tour~

I'm organizing a week long Blog Tour for Twice Upon A Time, an New Adult Paranormal Romance novel. The tour will run between November 2nd through November 8th. I'm mainly looking for reviewers but there are a few spots open for promo posts. There will also be a tour giveaway. ARC's will be available in ebook formats.

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Book Spotlight: The Demon's Grave (The Demon's Grave #1) by E.M. MacCallum

The Demon's Grave (The Demon's Grave #1) by by E.M. MacCallum
Publication Date: May 31st, 2015
Genre: Paranormal
Pages: 435


When strange shadows and messages plague Nora's daily life she fears for her sanity. To escape questions from her family, Nora joins her friends on a weekend getaway. Despite not liking Aidan Birket, Nora finds his remote, Victorian house charming. Until they discover the marble doorway on the third floor and, against Nora's better judgment, they open it. 

Trespassing into an unfamiliar world called the Demon's Grave, the group face a charismatic demon and six nightmarish Challenges as punishment. Those that make it to the end can go home, but those that don't will be his forever. Friendships are tested, secrets revealed and sacrifices will be made. 

Nora battles zombies, doppelgängers, eyeless bikers, and the demon—whose interests are more than just a game of cat and mouse. If it's all in her head, then it should be easy. But, if not, it means the demon knows about her sticky past, and the death of her twin sister. 

I turned the other way in my seat to look. Instant dizzying waves slapped me in the face and I touched my cheek feeling that my skin wasn't just warm, it was hot. Dropping my face in both hands, I wondered if I needed to vomit. Peeking up at my friends through splayed fingers I said behind them. "Guys, we want to get out of here."

"Wait a second," Read said.

Aidan took three strides toward Phoebe and Read to study the new find. "It's a door," he announced.

That's it, I finally lost it. I'm wandering around in my head right now and I bet Phoebe is back downstairs explaining to the rest of my friends that I had a family history of hallucinations and it was bound to happen one day.

This strange door was small, maybe four-feet-tall, if that. I was reminded of the one fromAlice in Wonderland.

Off the deep end, here I go. I giggled behind my hands at the thought.

Our new door had a brass knob that was as big as an eight ball. It wasn't wooden like the door downstairs. It was a pale-blue marble, the color of...the color of Aidan's eyes. It was as smooth and shiny as glass, reflecting the candles and single flashlight. I could see Phoebe and Aidan's reflections in the gleaming surface.

"Open it," Phoebe whispered loud enough for us all to hear though she was talking to Aidan.

Aidan looked back at me. "Should I?" He asked.

I wasn't sure why he was asking me. Maybe because he knew I wasn't feeling well and wanted out too.

My eyes trailed to the messages. I shook my head but at the same time, said. "Sure, why not?" The minute they escaped I knew those words weren't mine.

Touching my mouth with my shaking hands, my lips felt numb. I wanted to yell, "NO!" Instead I wheezed.

Down, down, down the rabbit hole.

Aidan had turned back to the marble door and reached for the knob.

He turned it as if it might crumble beneath his palm, it sounded like two smooth stones grinding together. I jumped out of the chair, spooking Robin. She toppled back as I tried to scream.

Not even a whimper escaped my throat.

"Guys..." Robin called, her eyes on me while everyone else seemed focused on the new find. Everyone except for Cody. He was trying to get out of his chair behind me, but seemed to have lost control of his legs. He couldn't run and I couldn't scream to warn them.

The swelling panic brought on a strange warmth inside my stomach. At first it was ignorable, until I felt a pinch of pain, as if the warmth were growing too hot. Maybe I really did have to vomit.

Grabbing the armrest with my fingernails, I prepared myself to retch over the side when something happened. I can only describe it as a burst of energy escaping.
One second I thought I was going to vomit and the next, the hot acid rippled up my throat and was gone, as if it were never there but I was weakened somehow. The dizziness that almost had me to my knees evaporated along with it.

Choking, I half expected pain when I swallowed, but instead found my voice. "Stop!" The hoarse scream was worthless.

Aidan swung open the door and a shrieking wind exploded into the room. 

~About The Author~

E.M. MacCallum

I love long walks through bookstores, tea, gothic themes, Halloween, Disney, and almost everything on the Discovery Channel.

"The Demon's Grave" is my first novel, published June 2, 2015. Book Two "Midnight Ruling" was July 2015 & Book Three, "The Haunting" will be out late August 2015

My previously published novella "Zombie-Killer Bill" will be re-released October 2015.

If you'd like to know more please visit my website: 

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