Welcome to Waiting on Wednesday! Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases we are eagerly anticipating. This week I am anxiously awaiting:

The Everlasting Circle (Everlast #3) by Juliana Haygert
Publication Date: July 2015
Genre: New Adult Paranormal
The war is approaching and the time to find enough allies for an army is running out. As is Nadine’s life.
Though Micah would love to spend more time trying to find a solution for Nadine’s impeding death, she would rather focus on strategies to win the war. With a new hero, a new god, and new abilities, Nadine starts to believe they might actually have a chance to chase the darkness away from the world.
Until betrayal drags them back to step zero.
Lost and angry, Nadine almost gives up. Almost. Her time on this Earth might be ending, but she has too much to do before she’s ready to die. Against all odds, Nadine will keep fighting to win the war until her very last breath.
Genre: New Adult Fantasy. Warning: strong language, sex scene. This is the 3rd book in the Everlast trilogy. May contain spoilers of the previous books.
Though Micah would love to spend more time trying to find a solution for Nadine’s impeding death, she would rather focus on strategies to win the war. With a new hero, a new god, and new abilities, Nadine starts to believe they might actually have a chance to chase the darkness away from the world.
Until betrayal drags them back to step zero.
Lost and angry, Nadine almost gives up. Almost. Her time on this Earth might be ending, but she has too much to do before she’s ready to die. Against all odds, Nadine will keep fighting to win the war until her very last breath.
Genre: New Adult Fantasy. Warning: strong language, sex scene. This is the 3rd book in the Everlast trilogy. May contain spoilers of the previous books.
Why I'm Waiting:
Because Juliana is just the sweetest! Every story of her's that I've read has been a favorite of mine! And the Everlast series was my very first New Adult Paranormal, her amazing story has opened a whole new world to me! Honestly when New Adult first came out there weren't many Paranormal ones, so to me, this series stood out in the crowd! I absolutely love otherworldly things and with Juliana's amazing story telling, the Everlast series is by far brilliant! I'm sad to see it end but I'm excited nonetheless! God, *squeal*! This was me when I saw it had a cover and a release date!

Here's a few words from my reviews of the previous books:

"First off, before I get to my coherent review all I have to say is this….I must, must get my hands on the second book!! Oh my god’s, why did it end there! How could you! So not fair!! haha, okay now let me compose myself…."
"This was so original, unique, and absolutely gripping of a read! I’m so glad that Mrs. Haygert came to me because this book is amazing! This is one series any paranormal lover shall read! And if you’re a fan of Legion the movie like I am, then you’re going to love the second half of the book! Though sadly there aren’t any old ladies with sharp teeth that like to eat raw meat after our trio but there are crazy size bats, gods, and demons after them! So intense!"

"Omg, I didn’t think this world could get any scarier than the first one but I guess I was wrong! Though Soul Oath is written three months after Destiny Gift, it doesn’t take long before the heart racing action begins. And thank god for that! After the cliffhanger of the first one I did not want to wait 50 or so pages till the story actually got somewhere. Mrs. Haygert did an amazing job at always keeping me on my toes!"
"However she doesn’t get this rush of determination till she loses something very precious to her. And oh my god, that was such a shocking turn of events. I couldn’t believe what I was reading! Mrs. Haygert writes breathtaking twist and turns, I honestly did not know where this story was heading! (Sometimes I felt like things dragged or was unsure with where things were going, however at the end everything made sense and I don’t think you could write it any other way) Trust me, you may think you know where it’s going but Mrs. Haygert is good at pulling the rug right out from under you."
"In just 321 pages Mrs. Haygert has you sitting on the edge of your seat one moment, then smitten with a very hot and heavy romance in the next, then in another your heart strings are being pulled every which way. Soul Oath is a read that’ll take a hold of you and you’ll be okay with it cause once you reach the end you’ll be wishing for more!"

"In Destiny Gift Micah was a bit of a bad boy, luring, and charming. In Soul Oath he was still charming and luring, but he cared and changed from the first book. Yes, I became smitten by him and when I found out this novella was told in his point of view I couldn't wait!!"
"Cup of Life was a short enjoyable read that helps furthers this series and give us a chance to see behind Micah’s eyes. And being able to feel how much he truly cares for Nadine and how much she’s changed him for the better is absolutely amazing, I love reading males side of things! Overall this made my heart soar and I’m hoping dearly that we’ll get Micah’s point of view in the third book!"
God, I'm just so excited!!! >_< I just can't wait to see how she wraps it all up! Honestly most of the time I'm scared of the last book in trilogies, even sometimes sequels to the first, but with this series I'm not! Instead I'm super excited to dive right back into them!! :D
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