Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist! by Kay Marie, Kaitlyn Davis
Release Date: 05/18/15
From bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis, writing as Kay Marie, comes a new adult romantic comedy about a girl who'll soon discover that some secrets can't be kept forever, especially those of the heart.
My name is Skylar Quinn, I just moved to New York with my best friend Bridget, and I have a confession. Well, more than one. Okay, quite a few really. Fine, here goes!
Confession #1: I'm a sex columnist. Hold on, that's not really the confession. You see, I'm sort of a columnist.
Confession #2: I'm in love with Bridget's older brother, Oliver. No—I was. No—I am. Wait, was? Am? Crap.
Confession #3: I've been avoiding Oliver for four years. Or I was until today, because he just moved in. Yes, you read that correctly. He's my new roommate. So that night we've both been pretending never happened, well, we might not be able to keep it a secret any longer.
And trust me, this is only the beginning.

then a gentle knock sounds against my door.
there's only one person it could be.
he whispers into the dark.
I could
pretend to be asleep, but the alcohol has drowned out my neuroses, replacing
them with curiosity. "What do you want, Ollie?"
just…" He sighs. My eyes are closed but I can perfectly imagine the way
he's running his hand through his hair, messing it up—an unconscious move he
doesn’t even realize makes my heart melt. Makes every girl's heart melt.
apologize," I say. It's the closest reference I've made to talking about
what happened. And he understands immediately. Understands that I don't want to
talk about it—but I doubt he understands why. It's not because I'm embarrassed
or hurt or vulnerable. It's because I can't bear to hear the regret in his
voice. Because before he did what he did, before that moment, I had the best
few minutes of my life. And I don't want to hear that he wishes they never
can I say one thing then?"
I rollover, finally sitting up. Even in the dark, his eyes shine, glowing blue.
Or maybe that’s just the alcohol talking.
just, I can tell you're nervous about the new job, but you shouldn’t be, Skye.
You’re a great writer, and well…" He shrugs, scanning the room for a
moment. There's a note of honesty in his tone that I rarely ever hear, that
I've learned to recognize over the years. "You don't have to have sex to be
sexy, Skye. Some people do, maybe, but not you. Never you."
then he's gone, leaving me alone in the dark with my racing heart.
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is a KDP select novel. $2.99 to buy or free on Kindle Unlimited!**
~About the Author~
Bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis writes young adult fantasy novels under the name Kaitlyn Davis and contemporary romance novels under the name Kay Marie.
Always blessed with an overactive imagination, Kaitlyn has been writing ever since she picked up her first crayon and is overjoyed to share her work with the world. When she's not daydreaming, typing stories, or getting lost in fictional worlds, Kaitlyn can be found indulging in some puppy videos, watching a little too much television, or spending time with her family. If you have any questions for her--about her books, about scheduling an event, or just in general--you may contact her at:
To stay up-to-date with all of Kaitlyn's new releases, sign up for her new release newsletter here:
Always blessed with an overactive imagination, Kaitlyn has been writing ever since she picked up her first crayon and is overjoyed to share her work with the world. When she's not daydreaming, typing stories, or getting lost in fictional worlds, Kaitlyn can be found indulging in some puppy videos, watching a little too much television, or spending time with her family. If you have any questions for her--about her books, about scheduling an event, or just in general--you may contact her at:
To stay up-to-date with all of Kaitlyn's new releases, sign up for her new release newsletter here:
1. Can
you tell us a little bit about yourself?
everyone! I’m Kay Marie, Kaitlyn Davis, and just Kaitlyn to my friends :) Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist!
is my first contemporary romance and it’s the first book written by my
alter-ego pseudonym Kay Marie! I have three young adult fantasy/paranormal
series written under the name Kaitlyn Davis—Midnight Fire, A Dance of Dragons,
and Once Upon A Curse!
always been one for a great romantic comedy—anything by Sophie Kinsella or Meg
Cabot, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, You’ve Got Mail, Pretty Woman, Ever After,
Failure to Launch, and many many
more! I love a great happily ever after, and love it even more if the journey
to get there makes me laugh out loud!
2. In
five words or less, please describe your romance writing style.
Steamy, Funny, Real, and HEA :) I cheated a little on the last one, but we all
love a happy ending, right?!
Where do you get your ideas?
and everywhere! I have a running list of crazy ideas in the notes section of my
cell phone, and I’m constantly updating it! For my young adult fantasies, a lot
of my ideas come from dreams or quotes or artwork I’ve found online. But for my
contemporary romance, many more of the ideas were inspired by real life! My
friends will definitely be able to call me out on a few scenes that I might
have exaggerated just a bit :)
4. So
some of your ideas are based on real life experiences? Can you tell us which
Well, I
don’t want to give too much away, but if you read Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist! there’s a scene that takes
place on a yacht cruising the Hudson River that was inspired by a real
Halloween party I went to! Let’s just say a friend of mine has great
connections, and it was still one of the most surreal nights of my life—once in
a lifetime for sure!
also a little comment about a girl being asked out via post-it note, and that
really happened to one of my best friends :) Left on the laundry machine in our
apartment building!
5. What
was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
the last few chapters were definitely the most fun, but I don’t want to give
anything away so I’ll go with a close second!
I started working on Confessions of a
Virgin Sex Columnist!, I had just finished the second book in my YA epic
fantasy series. I’d spent weeks writing some end of the world, dark and dire
situations, so I had the best time writing the funny parts of my contemporary
romance! Light and full of laughter—my favorite! And if you read it, one scene
that stands out is the one where Skylar tests out some dating apps for first
time :) Let’s just say it doesn’t quite go as planned…
6. Do
you ever struggle against the label of romance novels being fluff, i.e. not
“real” literature?
bother?! Everything I write is considered “fluff” by the literary elite—young
adult and romance—but that’s what I love! And that’s what my fans love and what
millions of other readers love, too. And that’s “real” enough for me!
just because something is action packed or full of romance, doesn’t mean there
aren’t deeper issues at hand. Every one of my main characters is struggling
inside in one way or another, that’s what makes them human and what makes them
real. Skye for example, is battling her self-confidence, an unrequited love,
and struggles with a father who was never present in her life. The fact that
she does it in a funny way doesn’t diminish the struggle, at least I don’t
think so :)
7. What
kind of heroes do you like?
I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for the good guy! I know, I know—that’s not the
normal response. Obviously, I love indulging in a bad boy or two (or three or
four…). They’re so different from any man I would date in real life, and
vicariously experiencing the dangers without any of the consequences is sort of
awesome—unless there’s no happily ever after, and then my heart just feels
ripped out for no reason!
to the topic! But really, I have a soft spot for the good guys! Why can’t the
knight in shining armor actually be a knight in shining armor? Sometimes, the
nice guy who treats the girl right is sexy as hell—in real life for sure, but
in literature too! But maybe I’m just biased because I’m about to get married
to one :)
8. If
your sweetheart wanted to sweep you off your feet, what would they need to do?
my fiancé right now does a pretty good job at that :) I’m all about European
vacations and lavish gifts, but really, the little things count the most to me.
Saying ‘I love you’ all the time and without hesitation. Buying me flowers for
no reason. Cooking dinner and supplying some nice wine on a random Tuesday
night. Folding my laundry because I fell asleep while they were drying and he
didn’t want to wake me up. Small gestures add up to a lot more than one grand
gesture could ever mean, at least to me!
9. What
project are you working on now?
many! At least, if the many emails from fans demanding to know when the next
book in one of my series comes out is anything to go by :) Over the summer, I’m
working to finish my young adult epic fantasy series, A Dance of Dragons—one
novel and two novellas to go! And then for NaNoWriMo, I’m going to tackle
either the sequel in the Confessions Series—Confessions
of an Undercover Girlfriend!—or the sequel in my series of dystopian fairy
tale retellings, Once Upon A Curse. There’s not enough time in the day to get
all my ideas out as quickly as I’d like!
Last but not least, top ten snacks while writing!
only ten? But snacking is one of my writer’s block reliefs… :) Okay, here goes!
Milk Chocolate Kisses
Pineapple Slices
Mango Slices
okay, coffee again! I’m a bit of an addict!
for stopping by.
you so much for having me!!
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