Billionaire Kink by Virginia Wade
Publication Date: May 21st, 2012
Genre: Adult Erotic Romance
Pages: 50
Format: Kindle
Source: Free on Amazon
Read: February 13th, 2015
When sex becomes an obsession...
Desperate to continue funding her Family Free clinics, Gretchen Fox agrees to an unorthodox business deal with the mysterious and eccentric billionaire, James Gordon. His control over her is established, as he observes and records her in a series of naughty encounters.
Not content to be a billionaire's plaything, Gretchen turns the tables on her employer, chaining him to a bed. He is at her mercy now, helpless, naked, and utterly enraged. Her obsession is about to be realized, and there is nothing he can do to stop her.
This story contains erotic romance, lesbian sex, bondage, threesomes, anal sex, double penetration, rough sex, rimming, forced orgasm, kidnapping, and dominance and submission. All characters are eighteen and above. Adult 18+
Desperate to continue funding her Family Free clinics, Gretchen Fox agrees to an unorthodox business deal with the mysterious and eccentric billionaire, James Gordon. His control over her is established, as he observes and records her in a series of naughty encounters.
Not content to be a billionaire's plaything, Gretchen turns the tables on her employer, chaining him to a bed. He is at her mercy now, helpless, naked, and utterly enraged. Her obsession is about to be realized, and there is nothing he can do to stop her.
This story contains erotic romance, lesbian sex, bondage, threesomes, anal sex, double penetration, rough sex, rimming, forced orgasm, kidnapping, and dominance and submission. All characters are eighteen and above. Adult 18+
~My Thoughts~
A girls got to do what a girls got to do....
Gretchen is on a hunt for a new funder to provide for her families non profit Free Clinics. With her last chance meeting with billionaire James Gordon he gives her a proposition, he'll give her the money in return of her becoming his sex plaything. At first she thinks he's insane and it's a no deal but of course something happens and she has no choice but to agree if she wants her families free clinics to survive.
I too thought he was insane, like who comes up with these things? And when Gretchen asked him why he choose her his answer was half ass if you ask me. But I guess that's another reason why his character is so mysterious and why Gretchen eventually becomes obsessed with him. I can see why she became obsessed, he gave her nothing so she had to find everything out on her own (it's like when teenage girls are crushing on teen heart throbs, we've all been there). However, I thought her obsession of hers was going to come sooner and maybe me reading this off my phone made me feel like it took forever.
Her obsession comes to light at the end of the book and from the summary I thought it was going to be the focal point of the story. However, it's all build up. It wasn't bad, not in the least! I was turning hot page after hot page, I just couldn't put it down cause I just had to know what the billionaire planned to do to her next. But again, from the summary I just thought it was going to be her finally taking control.
Overall, I enjoyed this! It's definitely kinky and from the very beginning! I was hooked, couldn't pull my eyes away! Though I enjoyed the steamy scenes I just couldn't connect to James and the relationship that apparently bloomed between Gretchen and him. I honestly don't see what they have is more than just lust. But other than that, it was interesting.
Sweet Readings Everybody!
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