Secret Surrender (Forever #2) by Priscilla West
Publication Date: September 24th, 2013
Genre: Adult Erotic Romance
Pages: 224
Format: Kindle
Source: Netgalley/Author
Read: January 27th, 2015
“What gives you a thrill Kristen?”
I knew that giving in to Vincent Sorenson was a risk, but it was one I was willing to take. I had hidden my heart for so long and for the first time in a long time, Vincent was close to breaking down the walls.
When a trip to Vincent’s exclusive private island reveals the real Vincent underneath the layers of suave nonchalance, I thought we were close to the start of something special.
Just when things were looking up for us, I would discover the one secret that Vincent never intended for me to find.
I knew that giving in to Vincent Sorenson was a risk, but it was one I was willing to take. I had hidden my heart for so long and for the first time in a long time, Vincent was close to breaking down the walls.
When a trip to Vincent’s exclusive private island reveals the real Vincent underneath the layers of suave nonchalance, I thought we were close to the start of something special.
Just when things were looking up for us, I would discover the one secret that Vincent never intended for me to find.
~My Thoughts~
I honestly don't think this series is real original or unique yet I become consumed by the world within!! Seriously, I'll only want to do is read this and have no care in the world for anything else! I wouldn't care if I had anything else I had to do because I would literally drop anything just to read this! Like, I read this book in a day and normally I can't read a 200+ page book in a day but yet, here I am devouring page after page! I just....just don't get it! All I know is that I can't wait to read the third one next month!
I liked Forbidden Surrender but I wanted more depth to the characters, I wanted to get to know them more. And within Secret Surrender we get just that! Vincent dives a little deeper into Kristen's life by taking her to a place where she can get something to protect herself from her ex. Vincent is leaving for a business trip and he wants to make sure she can protect herself while he's away. But right now that's not her main problem.
With Vincent always away Kristen starts to become insecure and begins questioning their relationship. This is a theme throughout the book and it's one emotional ride. Especially when this bitch Ariel girl comes into the picture. Ooh, my blood was pumping and not in a good way. I just.....ooh....there just had to be something to go wrong because it just couldn't be this perfect for them yet haha. I'm dying to see how it all unfolds! And that crazy cliffhanger......can't wait to read the final one!
Overall Secret Surrender was way better and exactly what I was looking for in a sequel! We got to see more of who the characters are, by the end of this I was seriously invested in them! I feel in love with them! There's this one scene that reminded me of my husband and I of what we've done a couple of times ;). They are seriously cute and I can't help but smile! But with the ups there must be downs and I'm excited to see how they handle the problems that are keeping them apart! Not only was the story intense, keeping me from doing anything else, but the love making was just as amazing! Oh my, was it hot! Had to fan myself a couple of times haha.
Sweet Readings Everybody!
*Got a free copy from the author in exchange for my honest review, this in no way affected my opinion on it*
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