Friday, October 30, 2015

Two Reviews: All The Little Liars & This Little Piggy

All The Little Liars by Jave Kavfi
Publication Date: September 24th, 2015
Genre: Horror
Pages: 11
Format: ebook
Source: Free on Amazon
Read: October 26th, 2015


Jamie has always kept quiet about his family’s terrible secrets – but there’s a girl and a baby to save, so now he has to betray them. But he’s not the only one keeping secrets… 3K Short story


~My Thoughts~

If the author took the time to add some depth to the story, to the characters, and more detail, turning this into a novel then they would have an amazing story on their hands. But since not, this short story wasn't very satisfying. 

There's so much potential here, so much. Just wish it was a bit longer. And if they had more detail then I think this would have been scarier. There is one moment that is spine chilling when you find out what's really going on but then it ends and the ending leaves you wondering if the guy did what he was wanting to do. At the end, I was feeling meh....


This Little Piggy by Craig McGray
Publication Date: February 11th, 2012
Genre: Horror
Pages: 11
Format: ebook
Source: Free on Amazon
Read: October 30th, 2015


Here piggy, piggy!

James wakes up with no recollection of how he ended up in a culvert full of corpses. He struggles to escape the confines of the pipe, and quickly realizes he should have stayed home that night.

From the Author

I use my wife as a sounding board, and sometimes she just looks at me with an I-love-you-but-now-I'm-kind-of-scared-of-you look. I definitely received that look more than once for this story. That usually means I got it right. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.


~My Thoughts~

No wonder Mr. McGray's wife gave him the "I-love-you-but-now-I'm-kind-of-scared-of-you" look because this is seriously twisted! I was shocked! The guy that's trying to escape is actually the monster. He deserves everything that's coming to him. But then that small twist at the end, wow! I truly enjoyed this and the story had me sitting on the edge of my seat! 

Sweet Readings Everybody!


  1. Great reviews! Sorry you didn't care for All the Little Liars.

    1. Thank you! I know, I was sad that I was disappointed because it's got a couple of great reviews on Amazon
